Social Media Page Rules
CEOP Education Social Media Page Rules
Our Facebook (CEOP Education), LinkedIn (ceop-education) and X/Twitter (@ceopeducation) accounts are owned and managed by CEOP Education. CEOP Education is part of the National Crime Agency and aim to prevent online child sexual abuse.
These accounts have been created to share advice, resources, training and best practice in online safety. To create an online community that is safe, positive and well informed, we ask that you take note of our page rules for our social media:
- Do not use this account to report child sexual abuse. This account is not monitored 24-hours a day and is not an official police reporting route. Online child sexual abuse should be reported to the police, calling 999 if there is immediate risk of harm to the child. Children and young people can report to the CEOP Safety Centre:
- Do not use this account to report any other crime. This account is not monitored 24-hours a day and is not an official reporting route. Crimes should always be reported to the police - 999 if a crime is taking place or someone is in immediate danger, or 101 for non-urgent crime.
- Do not tag this account in images and videos of child sexual abuse. Sharing child sexual abuse material is illegal. Child sexual abuse material should be reported to the platform it is hosted on and the Internet Watch Foundation: Children and young people can report their own images and videos that have been shared using Report Remove:
- No offensive, threatening or discriminatory language. Comments of this nature will be removed or hidden and where community guidelines have been breached or an offence has taken place, reported to the platform and/or authorities.
- Remember everything you say on here is public. You are legally responsible for what you say and post on this page. Don't post anything that is: defamatory; fraudulent, deceptive or misleading; in violation of copyright/someone else's intellectual property; at risk of causing serious prejudice to a trial; or in violation of any other laws or regulations. Your views are solely your own and not those of the NCA. The NCA does not endorse any opinions on this page other than its own.
- We will block, and hide or delete any comments made by, accounts deemed to be owned by those posing a risk to children or vulnerable adults, or in conflict with our values.
- Accounts considered spam or dominating our account with their own agenda will be blocked.