This series of three animations aims to give 4-7 year olds knowledge, skills and confidence to help them respond safely to risks they may encounter online.
A fun and interactive website for 4-7 year olds, based on the Jessie & Friends animated series.
Children love to socialise and share online. In this article we look at privacy settings and how they can help your child to manage the content they share and who they connect with.
Our daily lives have become more connected than ever before. Internet-enabled devices can be found everywhere, from smart speakers to Bluetooth toothbrushes. Find out more about how to support your family to be safer using the Internet of Things...
If your child is online, there is always a risk they may come across inappropriate content. Some content may be upsetting or scary. Some content may also be against the law. This article explores what you can do if this happens.
We've teamed up with Ukie (The Association for UK Interactive Entertainment) to give you advice about online games and chat. While playing games online is often great fun, it's important you understand why your children will chat online, what risks there are and what measures you can take to protect them while they’re playing their favourite games.