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  • Advice Supporting healthy sexual experiences

    As young people’s interest in sex develops, you can support them to develop their understanding around the principles of healthy sexual experiences.

  • Responding to issues Finding out your child has been sexually abused

    Discovering your child has been sexually abused is a traumatic experience. Dr Elly Hanson, clinical psychologist and adviser to CEOP, provides some advice about how to support them.

  • Advice A guide to live streaming

    Live streaming has become a popular feature of many apps and platforms. By understanding why it is popular and what your child may come across, you can help your child have a more positive online experience.

  • Advice Gaming: what parents and carers need to know

    Gaming is extremely popular with children and young people. It can be difficult to keep up with the latest games and how they work. Here we take a look at key safety concerns and how you can support happier, safer gaming for your child.

  • Responding to issues Finding out your child has done something sexually harmful

    Dr Elly Hanson, clinical psychologist and adviser to CEOP, provides some guidance and things to think about if you discover that your child has sexually harmed another.

  • Responding to issues Supporting a child who has been sexually abused

    If your child has been sexually abused they'll need your ongoing support. Dr Elly Hanson, clinical psychologist and adviser to CEOP, gives some tips about how best to support them and look after yourself.