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  • Responding to issues Finding out your child has been sexually abused

    Discovering your child has been sexually abused is a traumatic experience. Dr Elly Hanson, clinical psychologist and adviser to CEOP, provides some advice about how to support them.

  • Advice What is a digital footprint?

    A footprint can leave a lasting impression, much like the information we post online. Read our top tips on making sure your child's online reputation is just as good as their offline one.

  • Responding to issues Supporting a child who has been sexually abused

    If your child has been sexually abused they'll need your ongoing support. Dr Elly Hanson, clinical psychologist and adviser to CEOP, gives some tips about how best to support them and look after yourself.

  • Responding to issues Finding out your child has done something sexually harmful

    Dr Elly Hanson, clinical psychologist and adviser to CEOP, provides some guidance and things to think about if you discover that your child has sexually harmed another.

  • Responding to issues Why don't children tell their parents about sexual abuse?

    Many children who are sexually abused don't tell anyone at the time and there are many potential reasons why. Understanding these reasons can help you support your child if you find out they’ve been abused.

  • Advice Using parental controls

    Parental controls are a great tool to help better protect your children online. Find out how you can use them more effectively.