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  • Advice Watch Jessie & Friends (subtitled)

    This series of three subtitled animations aims to give 4-7 year olds knowledge, skills and confidence to help them respond safely to risks they may encounter online.

  • Advice Watch Jessie & Friends (BSL)

    This series of three BSL-interpreted animations aims to give 4-7 year olds knowledge, skills and confidence to help them respond safely to risks they may encounter online.

  • Advice Online contact and staying safe

    Video streaming and chatting online can be really exciting, but do you know how to protect your child from adult content and contact? Find out how to help them stay safe from abuse.

  • Advice What is sexual abuse?

    Sexual abuse can happen to anyone under 18 and is never a child's fault.

  • Advice Supporting healthy sexual experiences

    As young people’s interest in sex develops, you can support them to develop their understanding around the principles of healthy sexual experiences.

  • Advice Worried your child has shared too much online?

    If your child has shared too much information online, don't panic. There are things you can do and organisations who can help safeguard and support your child.