What to consider when sharing videos and pictures of your children online.
The internet can be a great place to keep in touch with friends and make new ones. Some people online will be genuine and supportive, but others may use the internet to look for sex and target young people. Read advice on what you can do if you're worried about something that has happened online to your child.
If your child is online, there is always a risk they may come across inappropriate content. Some content may be upsetting or scary. Some content may also be against the law. This article explores what you can do if this happens.
It’s no secret that pornography is readily available online. Should you be worried about your children accessing it?
Teenagers tell us that sharing sexual pictures and videos is not unusual. It can be risky but don’t panic, there are steps you can take if things get out of control.
Teenagers tell us that sharing sexual pictures and videos is not unusual. It can be risky but don’t panic, there are steps you can take if things get out of control.