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  • Advice 7 questions parents and carers ask about nude selfies

    Many parents and carers ask us about young people taking and sharing revealing pics of themselves. Here we answer your most frequent questions with the best advice on keeping children safe...

  • Responding to issues Finding out your child has done something sexually harmful

    Dr Elly Hanson, clinical psychologist and adviser to CEOP, provides some guidance and things to think about if you discover that your child has sexually harmed another.

  • Advice Sharing pictures of your children

    Most parents love sharing photos of their children with friends and family. But remember - pictures you share online could impact your child in the future. Learn how to protect your child whilst staying social.

  • Responding to issues Recognising harmful sexual behaviour by young people

    It's important to be able to recognise when a young person's sexual behaviour may be harmful to others. Dr Elly Hanson, clinical psychologist and adviser to CEOP, outlines the warning signs.

  • Advice Supporting healthy sexual experiences

    As young people’s interest in sex develops, you can support them to develop their understanding around the principles of healthy sexual experiences.

  • Advice Having a conversation with your child

    Starting a conversation with your child about a sensitive issue or something you don’t usually talk about isn’t always easy, especially if this means you will be talking about things they prefer to keep private, but there are ways to make having these conversations with your child easier.